So I learned that the Liahona Preparatory Academy I was talking about last time is not the only Liahona Academy out there, indeed there are quite a few others.
This other Liahona Academy I'm referring to is more of a center for troubled youths center than it is a school, like the Liahona private school I mentioned last time. The Liahona Academy (here's their website) is an organization that seems to be more dedicated to helping boys who have problems with substance abuse or violence or any other sort of problem of that nature. They also have a twitter account you can follow. Oh and I also stumbled on their Yelp page, quite....disparate reviews I must say.
The other school, the Liahona Preparatory Academy in Pleasant Grove (a Latter day saint doctrine based school, who's swag is available here) by the way.
Oh also, There's now a subreddit over at reddit for the Preparatory Academy. Feel free to link to all sorts of Liahona rated stuff!
Well, just wanted to make you guys aware. Also, the page rankings for the Liahona Preparatory Academy seem to be all wonky.
And as always, keep up with Liahona's sports!
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